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9 Nov 2009

SEO Top 10 Tips For Blogger

1. Descriptive page titles - Pages titles are the text that you see at the top of your browser when you are on a certain page. Having descriptive page titles will help let Google know what a certain page on your site is about. takes the blog titles that you create and places them into the page titles for you so it's important to make sure that your blog titles clearly describe what the blog you are writing is about

2. Using keywords in anchor text - The term "anchor text" is referring to text that composes a link to another web page or resource. It's important because Google uses anchor text used to describe links to pages on your site as part of its method for assessing the quality of a site. So, If I were trying to drive traffic to my site for a certain keyword phrase, I would want to use those keywords when linking to my page from my own site or when placing a link on an external website. For Example, right now the keyword phrase that I am targeting is "SEO Top Ten Tips". So, when I place this link on another page on my site, I would link it as SEO Top Ten Tips instead of simply placing the link as

3. Consistent use of keywords - Make sure to use the title tag text throughout the content of your page. Google likes the use of the keywords consistently throughout a blog because it confirms that the title and the page content are related

4. Related blogs - place links to related blogs at the bottom of each blog that go to other blog posts on your site. this helps increase the internal anchor text on your Blog. Ensure that the link matches the title of the article title on the related article

5. Site Submission - Submit your site to Google, Yahoo and MSN. here are the links for submission Google, Yahoo, MSN

6. Add a site map to Google - add a sitemap to your blog or site and add it to Google webmaster tools so that Google can crawl all of the pages of your blog. You can use your Atom as your site map

7. Develop unique content - Google places a higher value on content that is unique from other websites. writing quality, unique content that follows simple SEO rules will rank highly on Google.
8. Update your site frequently - Google favors sites that update their content regularly. the more often you add or update information on your website, the more Google Bot will visit your site to check for those updates.

9. Building a high Google page rank - Page rank is a value that Google applies to your site based on how relevant and important it thinks that your website is. Google establishes this value by having its Bot look at the quality and quantity of inbound links pointing to your website from other sites. The more links you have pointing to your website with relevant anchor text, the higher your page will rank. Remember, not all sites are the same. Google will place higher value on a link from a highly ranked website with similar content as your site than it will a link from your buddy Joe's website that has no page rank.

10. Developing inbound links - Make sure you develop links manually. Using software that spams your link out to a bunch of online directories is frowned upon by Google and could result on a low page rank. Take the time to register with Blog directories and request links on sites that you feel have a common theme to your site where your content will be of value to its readers.

Source: makeadsensemoney blog

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