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15 Nov 2009

Best Firewall Software - All-Internet-Security Choiced

Seberapa pentingkah program firewall terpasang di komputer? Ini merupakan pertanyaan yang biasa ditanyakan oleh orang kebanyakan. Program firewall ini berguna untuk melindungi dari adanya serangan yang dapat membuat komputer kita dikuasai penuh oleh seseorang dari jarak yang sangat jauh yang memakai sambungan internet sebagai media. Selain itu juga dapat melindungi dari serangan-serangan yang di dapat dari website yang disusupi oleh program-program jahat yang kita tidak ketahui.

Berikut ini saya sedikit memberikan hasil review yang dilakukan oleh All-Internet-Security sebagai bahan acuan untuk memilih program apa yang cocok untuk diinstall di komputer. Program-program firewall ini direview mulai dari awal tahun 2009 sampai dengan saat ini.

1. ZoneAlarm PRO Firewall 2010 ~ Download from Publisher

The latest release improves the operating system firewall and applies more robust spyware detection and removal functions.
  • A robust, powerful firewall with lots of new features
  • Allows to assign different security levels
  • Prevents intrusions with professional-grade firewall
  • Manages and blocks pop-up ads, online profiling, cookies
  • Perfect for anyone concerned about online privacy
Best of all, fully compatible with major antivirus software and Windows operating systems. Besides, ZoneAlarm Pro's documentation is well organized, making it easy to find answers fast. Overall, ZoneAlarm Firewall Pro is a great product that will keep your computer safe from intrusions and online Internet threats.
2. F-Secure Internet Security 2010 ~ Download from Publisher

F-Secure provides maintenance free, easy-to-use solutions for computer security and virus protection that you need in order to ensure safe and easy online surfing.
  • Protects your computer against viruses, worms, rootkits and zero-day attacks
  • Enhanced usability through flexible product configuration
  • Automatically distributes new spyware and virus signatures to your PC
  • Detects and removes security threats
  • Supports Windows XP, Vista (64 and 32-bit)
F-Secure DeepGuard, a new technology, constantly monitors the heart of your computer, ensuring that no malicious programs can take over your computer. It filters unwanted spam and phishing attempts from your email. The installer gives an option to choose from F-Secure Internet Security 2010 or F-Secure Anti-Virus installation.

F-Secure Internet Security is a good personal firewall protection software. It includes an antivirus and an improved anti-spyware.

3. Prisma Firewall 2009 ~ Download from Softpedia

Using a private network, Prisma Firewall protect your computer of threats coming from internal users.
  • POP3, IMAP and SMTP traffic are scanned for viruses
  • Search function to search the intruders, applications and filters list.
  • Wizard to create rules for applications and to create filters.
  • Monitor inbound and outbound packets and be alerted to suspicious traffic
Prisma Firewall uses minimal resources of the system where it will be installed (less than 3.24 MB on the disk, 8 MB memory and less than 1% processor. Best of all, this application constantly adapts its behavior based on network traffic analisys in order to build the best defence for your computer.
4. NeT Firewall 2009 ~ Download from Publisher

All packets are blocked in emergency level, regardless of security rules in use.
  • Monitors activity at the Transport Driver Interface
  • Pre-loaded security settings provide easy, instant protection
  • Easy to install and use
  • Stateful Inspection firewall technology
NeT Firewall implements complete network traffic monitoring cycle on your system as well as it allows viewing and sorting traffic. It allows enabling and disabling access to your personal computer resources such as files and printers, mail services and web-server.

5. ESET Smart Security 4 - Firewall ~ Download from Publisher

It analyzes each application behavior and detects any suspicious activity before allowing internet access.
  • Combines multiple layers of detection protecting you from Internet threats
  • Designed to block all attempts to disable protection
  • Port scan detection denies access to intruders
  • Protects you against the most nefarious cyber-threats attempting to gain access to your PC and personal details.
  • Recognized for having zero false positives
ESS builds upon the latest version of the company's NOD32 ThreatSensescanning engine by augmenting it with firewall and spam filtering.

Bagaimana dengan program antivirus? Program antivirus juga sangat perlu untuk melindungi dari program-program jahat seperti pada postingan sebelumnya, dan ingin mengetahui program-program antivirus apa yang bagus untuk dipakai dikomputer dapat melihat disini.

Program firewall sangat baik untuk menjaga komputer dari serangan-serangan dari luar lewat jaringan internet dan program antivirus menjaga komputer dari virus komputer baik dari internet maupun media removable.

Lindungi komputer baik dengan program firewall maupun program antivirus, menjaga lebih baik mengobati.


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